When enters a family’s life, it’s not just one person who is affected, it ripples through every corner of their existence.
The physical and emotional toll it takes is immense.

The challenges seem insurmountable at times.
With empathy and compassion at its core, The Neighborhood becomes a beacon of hope for families battling cancer. We offer a lifeline of support during this uncertain journey, providing practical assistance such as groceries, fuel, and hotel stays during treatment, along with other “filling the gap financial support.” Families feel a community rallying behind them.
Children have clothing and school supply needs. Birthday celebrations have a way of being forgotten, so we make them BIG! When the holidays arrive, we help take the worry out of financial shortfalls.
Join us! Together, we can deliver hope and care these cancer-battling warriors will always remember. Feel free to give your heartfelt donation here, knowing that you are supporting local, hardworking people. Thank you so much for being a wonderful neighbor!
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